4 Ways Veterinarians Can Help Treat Animals Virtually

Apr 21, 2021 | Blog

The pandemic has changed a lot of things, including the way we talk to our doctors. Telemedicine experienced explosive growth during the pandemic, as people switched from in-person appointments to online consultations.

However, animals fall into a different category. How can veterinarians virtually look after patients who can’t describe their ailments? Here are some ways we can go animal healthcare using veterinary practice management software:

1. Video Chat

The simplest way is to set up a video chat with the owner and take a look at the pet. It’s not always easy because there are a lot of variables including the speed of the internet, the camera’s quality, and the clarity of the pet’s wound/infection.

Despite these challenges, experienced veterinarians can use non-visual cues, such as the animal’s behavior and the sounds it’s been making to make an informed diagnosis.

2.  A Look at History

Veterinary EMR software allows the vet to save the animal’s medical history digitally, facilitating ease of access on the go. From that point, it’s just a matter of looking at the animal’s health progression, medication history, and prior diagnoses to figure out what’s bothering it and offer a proper diagnosis.

3. Renew Prescriptions

Animals may need medications to maintain quality of life, for which they require prescriptions, owing to their potential side effects and controlled dosage.

In such a situation, a vet can help the patient out by taking a look at the previous prescription through veterinary electronic health records and renewing it for the next dose. It’s a pretty simple procedure that can be a lifesaver for the pet.

4. Guide the Owner

This is not recommended in case the pet needs emergency medical care. A veterinary can guide the owner about ways to comfort the pet and help it relax in situations that only require home remedies or small tricks.

These can include turning the environment into a more comforting one, bringing the pet food that is good for its health, or massaging the pet in a way that’s proven to help improve circulation.

To ensure your veterinary clinic is set up to function during the pandemic,  check out our veterinary software.

Our AIGalaxy software will help you shift your healthcare services online, allowing you to manage inventory control, tracking, storing medical records, consultations with fellow veterinarians, and scheduling appointments on the go.

Get a free demo of our AIMedPortal software today.

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