5 Ways Cloud Storage Can Help Your Veterinary Practice

Oct 20, 2021 | Blog

More than 53% of the internet users and 48% of enterprises have invested in cloud storage. The total data present in the cloud is over 1 Exabyte (1024 Petabytes).

The cloud system has helped businesses in all industries thrive through the flexibility and convenience it offers. Even with the best veterinary software, you can’t achieve optimum results unless combined with cloud solutions. Most of the veterinary appointment scheduling software are available in two categories: cloud-based and server-based.

While each has its own set of features, our cloud-based veterinary software outweighs the server-based software in many ways:


In the end, it’s all about three main things: Sharing, Access, and Mobility. Our AIGalaxy and AIGenesis veterinary software with cloud-based support will allow your practice to reduce physical storage space by moving everything online. From patient history to treatment files, it’ll all be accessible on the cloud.

While that might not seem like a lot, it will significantly cut down the cost of postage and storage while eliminating the fear of misplacing files. Plus, added accessibility to files and documents anywhere and at any time.

Time For More Patients

If it’s a new patient, that’s a different story. But how many times have you seen veterans canceling appointments because they couldn’t find the needed records? Additionally, sorting through physical files can be quite time-consuming.

Having the data available on the cloud frees time to squeeze in more patients. All the data is readily available on the cloud, including a picture of the patient, previous medical history, progress in treatment, images, and much more.

Saves Money

Even if surgeries and appointments are only cancelled once in a while, it accumulates to thousands of dollars by the year-end. Our best Veterinary Software prevents loss of potential earnings by keeping everything ready for you.

Increased Quality of Treatment

While this will be quite similar to SAM again, but the ability to collaborate and share images between other veterans at the clinic allows you to offer better treatment than you did. If you didn’t detect one thing, the other veteran might; saving time while offering improved treatment.


An essential requirement to become a good veterinary clinic; timely and reliable data backups. You cannot afford to lose any data, whether that’s from years ago or a day ago. AIGalaxy and AIGenesis are extremely reliable cloud-based veterinary practice management software that allows the clinic to operate at its best capability.

Every clinic has its own set of requirements and needs that makes it unique. That’s why we at Animal Intelligence Software, Inc. offer tailor-made software that is as unique as your business and patients. From ready-to-use templates to cloud services, everything can be customized.

Visit our website for more information.

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