Telemedicine Boom During The Global Pandemic

Sep 12, 2020 | Blog

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm, forcing people to make significant changes to their lifestyle. With normal life thrown off balance, businesses sought to adapt their business models quickly to react to changing situations.

The pandemic also catalyzed the rise of telemedicine. With hospitals overburdened by coronavirus patients and lockdowns in place, doctors went virtual to connect with ailing patients reaching out for help.

Veterinary Telemedicine

Not only human telehealth but veterinary telemedicine rose sharply during the pandemic. Veterinarians were able to take care of non-urgent cases of ailing pets and communicate with pet parents regarding mediation and care.

The concept of telemedicine wasn’t born overnight. Telemedicine has been growing for human health services, but veterinarians have been reluctant to adopt it. The coronavirus, however, changed the landscape by forcing veterinary service providers to take on the technology.

The adoption was also made easier by the FDA easing regulations regarding pet health services. It no longer required vets to make an in-person physical examination of the patient before prescribing treatment. Videos and pictures would serve as examination tools for doctors to make their diagnoses.

Communication between pet parents and doctors wasn’t just over video calls or other virtual options. The industry innovated by introducing curbside visits and open-field visits that allowed veterinarians to observe the dog and connect in-person with clients safely. Social distancing protocols were strictly followed with specially designed SOPs in place.

The Future Of Telemedicine


The pandemic fueled the rise of telemedicine. It may have soared to popularity overnight, but it is here to stay. Digital technology had already spurred the innovation of telehealth and telemedicine opportunities. It was being adopted, albeit slowly.

However, the pandemic changed the landscape completely. Veterinarians and health professionals realized they had to adopt technology if they wished to remain in the industry and serve their clientele. Since the trend has overtaken the healthcare industry, it will likely continue in some proportion in the future.

Regulatory authorities like the FDA are also picking up the pace and establishing rules and protocols for the telemedicine practice. They realize the benefits it can offer and how the use of technology can enable the wider provision of quality healthcare services. Their efforts indicate that telemedicine is unlikely to fade away as a fad.

Scope Of Veterinary Telemedicine

With rising advancements to make telemedicine normality, veterinarians will have a great tool at their services. With telemedicine portals at their service, veterinarians can serve clients even in remote areas like farmlands.

However, the adoption will require clinics to invest in digital technology and practice management systems to manage remote practice efficiently. Even presently, veterinary clinics with electronic record keeping and database management were able to transition to virtual practice swiftly.

Invest in one of the best cloud-based veterinary practice solutions by Animal Intelligence Software. With an array of innovative solutions on offer and a responsive support team, we offer complete digital support to veterinary clinics in the country.

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