How EHR Systems Can Help Conduct Vet Clinical Trials

Jan 30, 2021 | Blog

Digitalization of the health care industry is helping healthcare providers perform better at their job. The integration of vet EHR systems in clinical practice enables healthcare providers to simplify administrative tasks at their facilities. Moreover, Electronic Health record systems have found their way into clinical research and veterinary clinical trials as well.

How can EHR systems be used to conduct veterinary clinical trials when they store medical histories and treatment plans?

This blog explains how clinical trials, subject, and participant data can be well managed by an EHR system and help the researchers in data collection and trial monitoring and evaluation.

Patient or Subject Recruitment

EHRs store patient medical records—their medical diagnosis, test lab results, treatment plans, and progress. These features allow the researcher to select the right candidates or subjects for their study. Researchers can then get in touch with the potential subjects that qualify for the research study and convince them to participate in the research process.

Data Evaluation

Researchers can evaluate patient data obtained from multiple EHR systems for their accuracy and reliability. This enables the researchers to scrutinize data from various sources, remove duplicate data, and come up with a standard data framework. Such a thorough data evaluation process determines whether the accumulated data is useful enough for conducting clinical trials or not.

Errors are reduced

Manual record-keeping can be a laborious task for researchers. More time is spent managing data and keeping it secure than focusing on the research and its outcomes. Moreover, EHR systems allow for a more streamlined and error-free way of data-keeping.

Real-time data collection helps keep subject information updated, and the risk of losing important data is reduced as an EHR system backs it up simultaneously.

Statistical Analysis

Researchers can log patient data and progress into the EHR system in real-time, allowing the researcher to remain updated with the subject’s progress. The development of subjects through a study can be recorded and analyzed and helps the researcher discern any unanticipated outcomes.

Healthcare providers can integrate vet EHR models in their clinical research and clinical trials, improving the pace of their research and saving time and the costs involved in record keeping. Animal Intelligence Software, Inc. can help you choose a veterinary Electronic Health Record system that will comply with your clinical needs and help you work more efficiently.

Whether you want Veterinary Laboratory software or a Vet EHR, Animal Intelligence Software, Inc. can help you find the right Veterinary Practice Management Software for your healthcare facility. Contact us today!

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