Online Webinars
Schedule a training today

Training Consultants for the Business Professional
Continuing education is a part of the veterinary industry. AIS, Inc. is a learning organization and encourages continuing education in AIGalaxy™ and AIGenesis™ to maximize the benefits to your practice. We know time and money are valuable commodities in any business; therefore, we are now offering an even more affordable AI training option: Online learning!
Webinar trainings are now available to teach your staff multiple aspects of AIGalaxy™ or AIGenesis™. Topics include searching medical records (data mining), appointment scheduling, creating custom headers and footers in the communication center, reversing invoices, and more! These webinars offer the opportunity for your entire staff to be trained on specific AIGalaxy™ or AIGenesis™ functions.
We understand staff turnover impacts business efficiency, and training is a big factor, especially related to learning software. Our goal is to provide professional, affordable, quality training to improve overall efficiency of AIGalaxy™ or AIGenesis™ in your practice. Once your staff has registered and paid for the designated webinar, we will email you instructions with a login session key and a conference number to call on the day of the training. Simply go online, enter the session key, call the conference number, and you can receive training! Our trainers will teach on the specified topics and have time for questions at the end.
Online webinars give us the opportunity to provide your entire clinic with AIGalaxy™ or AIGenesis™ training and save money! Sign up today!
Webinar Agenda and Costs
A typical webinar is 45 minutes to 1 hour. Once you or your group are registered for a particular course, we will send you an email with the login details to join the webinar.
The cost for webinars is $75 per person/per session. For groups of 5 or more participants, contact us to receive a special group rate.
Note : Prices, course descriptions, topics, and dates are subject to change at any time.