Practice Management Training
Schedule a training today

Training Consultants for the Business Professional
Could your clinic operate more efficiently? Could employees be more satisfied with their jobs? Are you not sure what to do with all the data AIGalaxy™ or AIGenesis™ gives you? Expert consultants from our partner company, Panther Training, have Ph.D.’s in business, leadership, and healthcare management. Whether it is relating to statistics, process improvement, business management, leadership, HR, or team development, our consultants can help you by analyzing and evaluating your practice and your techniques, and coaching you to success. Through proven business improvement concepts such as Six Sigma, Panther Training experts will help you reduce inefficiencies in your practice and maximize your profit potential and easily handle HR issues. Panther Training experts will teach you in a fun and practical manner how to standardize procedures, reduce waste, and increase profits.
Those interested in Practice Management training will receive instruction in management topics from trainers who are experienced in healthcare administration/ management, human resources, and business management. Animal Intelligence Software, Inc. is bringing in trainers from Panther Professional Services™ to give our clients the highest quality of business training. The consultants from Panther Professional Services™ have experience in various business fields, are actively involved in higher education, are business owners, and have earned MBA and PhD’s in their respective areas of expertise. It is a privilege to offer training from such a well-respected company. We know that you and your practice will benefit greatly from these practice management training programs.
Training Agenda and Costs
A typical training day is from 8:00 am to 5:00 PM with an hour lunch and intermittent breaks throughout the day. Once your group is registered for a particular course, we will send you an Agenda with the training outline.
*All Practice Management Training includes a 1-hour open question and answer session with a Panther Consultant! This allows you to ask specific questions related to business.
Contact us today for a quote on training. Our costs vary based on how many people attend training and based on the type of training selected. For more information or to request a quote, you may contact our Training Department at 1(877) 876-7123.
Note : Prices, course descriptions, topics, and dates are subject to change at any time.