Digital Signature Capture
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Sign with Confidence
AIGalaxy™ and AIGenesis™ features signature capture functionality, enabling electronic signatures to be stored in medical records, and added to communication forms. The feature is found in the Communications Center using Topaz® Systems signature tablets. The benefits include: (1) decreased expenses for printing and storing records, and (2) instant access electronically to signed documents including euthanasia authorizations, treatment authorizations, or referral communications. Eliminate scanning or filing paper! Doctors can sign referral letters, prescriptions, medical records, and more without leaving AIGalaxy™. Clients can sign forms, payment policies, and more. Signed forms can be printed for the client and stored in AIGalaxy™ and AIGenesis™. Call us and we’ll show you how easy it is! Our goal is to help you save time, money, and space in your practice.
Veterinary Electronic Medical Records
Few industries document as extensively as the health care industries, including veterinary practices. A single hospital visit can generate several different forms needed for different purposes, opening the way for data variations that can be difficult and costly to trace and correct.
AIGalaxy™ and AIGenesis™ allow patient data to be captured instantaneously and populate forms. Topaz® Systems bring integrated electronic signatures into forms, communications, and medical records. Medical records can be updated, and communications sent easily. Patient history can be quickly sorted. Signature confirmations can be easily searched.
AIS, Inc. and our partner, Topaz® Systems understand the delicate balance between streamlined processes, quality patient care, and compliance with HIPAA and other regulations and are fully committed to the success of your practice with this signature capture feature.
For more information on our Veterinary Electronic Health Records, get in touch with our team.